Infrasonic Hum; a new way of proving Earth's climate is Geomagnetically controlled, by Dr Chris Barnes, February 2014 


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Infrasound amplitudes, timings and places of arrival can only be predicted by complex dynamic models of the atmosphere (ref). At the last count it was believed that such models for infrasound propagation do not include the precise behaviour of the QBO, taking instead only average values of the zonal wind field (ref).     General background infrasound arises from multiple natural and anthropogenic sources around the world(refs).   Infrasound is usually detected using special equipment and arrays(refs). It has recently been shown that without special equipment and only sensitive people as detectors,  the Hum in North Wales, UK  can be used as medium term weather forecaster.  The purpose of this work then is given the Hum's success as a weather forecaster and knowing that weather and climate are linked to the solar cycle are outbreaks of the Hum similarly correlated?  If so this would give considerable support to the latest hypotheses that weather and climate are controlled by the interaction of the magnetics of the sun-earth system with incoming galactic gamma ray bursts (GRB).  It has previously been suggested that GRB may increase atmospheric infra-sound (ref).  Two distant peaks of Hum are seen. One just before solar minimum and another just before solar maximum.  The trough occurs about a year after solar minimum as defined by sunspot number. There is approximately 6 years between the peaks. Fenyman (1982) has pointed out that the the solar cycle as expressed by sunspots can be very different from that as expressed by geomagnetics i.e. the solar wind. She has further pointed out that that there can be long lived solar wind streams followed by shorter more sporadic events some 5 or 6 years later.   Also Gilman and Howard (1984) note differences in sunspot rotation rates close to solar minimum and maximum with the strongest peak near to solar minimum.  Angular momentum exchange  in the body and atmosphere of the sun may well impinge on the sun -earth system as a whole and impinge on earth climate  . It seems Infrasonic Hum could be a barometer of this.  Also it is interesting to note the time lag between long lived solar wind-stream events and more sporadic ones is of the right order to be considered as an alternative candidate for driving ENSO.  Rainfall can be seen to peak at geomagnetic solar minimum.  The hypothesis is quite simple. At this minimum GRB bursts are less deflected by the solar wind and hence there is more cloudiness and more chance of rainfall.    Planetary Ap values have been consistently falling for several decades and it is likely this coupled with the present QBO phase which is causing increased storminess and rainfall in the southern UK ( WINTER OF 2013/14).     This fall in Ap value is also consistent with the appearance of more and more persistent aircraft contrails in our skies and to some extent justifies the earlier conclusions of the present author with respect to contrails and their anthropogenic contributory factors in  what is in essence predominantly solar driven climate change.   If Ap continues to fall we shall soon see the transition to a Maunder like period of major climate cooling.    The hypothesis that the solar cycle and infrasonic Hum are connected is corroborated. However, the findings of the present work indicate that geomagnetic solar cycle as based on Ap values rather than sunspot numbers may be far more relevant to the Hum and hence to its part in weather and climate forecasting.      



World infrasound monitoring is a rapidly growing scientific research field. The need for improved infrasound monitoring has been spurred on by requirement on two distinct fronts.   Firstly, the need to enforce the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty [1] and secondly as an element in Tsunami warning and monitoring systems [2].   


Infrasound amplitudes, timings and places of arrival can only be predicted by complex dynamic models of the atmosphere [3]. At the last count it was believed that such models for infrasound propagation do not include the precise behaviour of the QBO, taking instead only average values of the zonal wind field [4].    


General background infrasound arises from multiple natural and anthropogenic sources around the world [5].   Infrasound is usually detected using special equipment and arrays, see for example, but not limited to Matoza et al (2007) [6].


Recently, initially in Britain and the USA but more recently in many countries of the World there have been reports of an unusual and mainly nocturnal acoustic phenomenon known to those afflicted as the Hum, see for example but not limited to Deming (2004) [7].  Geographic meta-analysis based simply on a mapping website [8] for those afflicted by or enquiring about the Hum seems to most strongly associate the Hum with regions and countries of the World which have a lot of renewable energy systems, see Barnes (2013) [9].    Acoustic spectra recorded in specific locations which experience the Hum often record infrasonic components and power-line frequencies with a skewed and extremely quiet acoustic zone about say 200Hz.  Since the characteristics of the Hum are closely as those described for infra-sound, see Moller and Pederson  (2004) [10] it is reasonable to suppose that the Hum has a least some infrasonic component and that some humans are sensitive to this.  However, some of those afflicted by the Hum describe other facets which suggests that it has a, possibly, coherent magnetic component which they are also somehow bio-detecting.    The Hum has also been shown to have some seismic and apparently some space weather connections, see some of my earlier work, Barnes [11].       The main difference between the Hum and other cases of LFN (low frequency noise) is that the latter occur fairly locally and can be traced by Environmental Health inspectors whereas cases of the Hum are rarely, if ever traced.  This suggests propagation of the Hum or at least one of its components is via longer distance channels.


It has recently been shown that the Hum in North Wales, UK can be used as medium term weather forecaster, see Barnes [12].   


The purpose of this present work then is given the Hum's success as a weather forecaster and knowing that weather and climate are linked to the solar cycle are outbreaks of the Hum similarly correlated?  If so this would give considerable support to the latest hypotheses that weather and climate are controlled by the interaction of the magnetics of the sun-earth system with incoming galactic gamma ray bursts (GRB).  It has previously been suggested that GRB may increase atmospheric infra-sound, see for example, but not limited to Greiner et al [13]. 



If the Hum were a purely random process with the number of outbreaks in a fixed short interval governed by Gaussian statistics one would expect the cumulative number of outbreaks over a longer interval to simply keep on increasing linearly with time.  The number of Hum outbreaks in Bangor, North Wales UK severe enough to be noticed by the author and his wife has been logged at monthly intervals over a seven year period from January 2006 to December 2013.   A simple linear regression plot, cumulative number versus month number is used to test the hypothesis.      



The results covering the period September 2005 to December 2013 are shown initially in cumulative outbreak format below, see figure 1. 

Figure 1 : Cumulative event format (left) and residuals (right)

At first sight there would appear to be no simple analysis here, although the deviation from linearity in the plot does look indicative of a real physical effect.   Perhaps somewhat unexpectedly at first, the form of the residuals seem to have  a periodicity which look rather like the form of the known ENSO and QBO periods for the time-scale involved. I decided to investigate this further, see figure 2. 


The known phases and amplitudes of the 50 mb zonal wind index are known and available from   NOAA [14].   

Figure 2

  The residuals take on the familiar QBO quasi -periodicity. It can be clearly seen that we are in a moderately strong +ve QBO phase at present. 


The residuals on the Infrasonic Hum plot surprisingly mirror the QBO behaviour with a phase difference of several months. However, there are clearly other longer time-scale processes present.   


Such other a process for consideration may be ENSO, see figure3. 



Figure 3, Multivariate ENSO index between March 2005 and present day. 

Interestingly the starting and ending phases of the Infrasonic Hum residuals plot looks similar to ENSO but there are phase reversals in the central portion.


It is assumed that therefore the solar cycle must be the single dominant feature. In order to investigate this further the number of Infrasonic Hum events in each year is plotted against smoothed sunspot number, see figure 4.      

Figure 4

Two distinct peaks can be seen. One just before solar minimum and another just before solar maximum.  The trough occurs about a year after solar minimum as defined by sunspot number. There is approximately 6 years between the peaks. Fenyman (1982) [15] has pointed out that the solar cycle as expressed by sunspots can be very different from that as expressed by geomagnetics i.e. the solar wind. She has further pointed out that that there can be long lived solar wind streams followed by shorter more sporadic events some 5 or 6 years later.   Also Gilman and Howard (1984) [16] note differences in sunspot rotation rates close to solar minimum and maximum with the strongest peak near to solar minimum.  Angular momentum exchange in the body and atmosphere of the sun may well impinge on the sun -earth system as a whole and impinge on earth climate, see also [17].  It seems Infrasonic Hum as heard in Bangor Wales (but most likely elsewhere as well) could be a barometer of this.  Also it is interesting to note that the time lag between long lived solar wind-stream events and more sporadic ones is of the right order to be considered as an alternative candidate for driving ENSO. 


Further, since the Infrasonic Hum in Bangor has previously been shown to be a very good medium range weather forecaster the timings are suggestive that Earth’s weather and climate are very strongly controlled by geomagnetism as is suggested by a significant number of  major climate scientists who are dismissive of the notion of  an entirely carbon fuelled global climate change .      Indeed my work here in 2013/2014 has been truly state of the art and predictive, see Watts (2015) [18]. I have revised this draft in February 2015 as I had not previously included a full reference list.   

To confirm this notion the behaviour of the planetary Ap value is plotted against sunspot number, see figure 5.


    Figure 5 : Planetary Ap number versus smoothed sunspot number


A very similar behaviour can clearly be seen in Figures 4 and 5 also confirming my earlier hypothesis that Infrasonic Hum is intimately linked with geomagnetism.    

To these ends it is instructive to consider the effect of the recent solar minimum (geomagnetic) on UK rainfall, see figure 6.   


Figure 6


Rainfall can be seen to peak at geomagnetic solar minimum.  The hypothesis is stunningly simple. At this minimum GRB bursts are less deflected by the solar wind and hence there is more cloudiness and more chance of rainfall.    Planetary Ap values have been consistently falling for several decades and it is likely this coupled with the present QBO phase which is causing increased storminess and rainfall in the southern UK ( WINTER OF 2013/14).    

This fall in Ap value is also consistent with the appearance of more and more persistent aircraft contrails in our skies and to some extent justifies my earlier conclusions with respect to contrails and their anthropogenic contributory factors in  what is in essence predominantly solar driven climate change. I sincerely fear that if Ap continues to fall it is expected we shall soon see the transition to a major and lengthy Maunder-like period of climate cooling.     


Further consideration of the QBO.  

As a quasi-cyclic planetary wave one would expect QBO to have at least some effect on infrasonic Hum however arising or propagated.   At solar minimum GRB events seem to dominate over solar wind effects and hence QBO and Hum show minimum correlation, see Figure 7 below.  


Figure 7

At the first observed geomagnetic maximum which occurred about 22 months prior to sunspot derived solar minimum, see figure 5 above  there is a far stronger NEGATIVE correlation of  50 mb zonal wind-speed (QBO) with month number of Hum events, see Figure 8.    When the phase is +ve  (Westerly QBO phase).  This phase reinforces the North Atlantic 300 mb jet stream, previously associated with Bangor's Infrasonic Hum (ref).  The effect is also dramatically increased UK rainfall, see Figure 9. 


Figure 8 : QBO Hum correlation at geomagnetic maximum  

Figure 9 : QBO effect on rainfall at geomagnetic maximum, not to be confused with sunspot maximum. 


To reiterate in the 2009 – magnetic  minimum there is no such correlation.


Further in the  2013  second maximum there is no such  no correlation but there are large random variations in rainfall.  QBO may still be a feature but this may be being masked by the far more sporadic solar wind events.   


Conclusions and discussion

The hypothesis that the solar cycle and infrasonic Hum are connected is corroborated. However, the findings of the present work indicate that geomagnetic solar cycle as based on Ap values rather than sunspot numbers may be far more relevant to the Hum and hence to its part in weather and climate forecasting.       


Since infrasonic Hum events in Bangor have been monitored only on a subjective  basis by two individuals who directly perceive this infrasonic/magneto-bio-acoustic phenomenon recording of events has been limited  to times when the individuals were directly aware of the noise or times when their sleep was disturbed as a result. There are some occasions depending on the sign and direction of the interplanetary field Bz when the phenomenon is not so pronounced and when its magnetic component is weak.  At these times the phenomenon is easily drowned out by wind noise which disturbs its coherence.  This clearly places limitations on the technique.


If the technique were not so limited and the results quantified by instrumentation, the author is confident  a full family of QBO/Infra-sound associations might be drawn up.  


Without reference to infrasonic Hum it ought to be possible to explore the direct influence of QBO across an entire solar cycle on UK weather data anomalies.  The author is presently working on such a method and hopes to report in the near future on its very important relevance to UK forecasting in the current conditions of low Ap value











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Revised to include references February 2015.